Powerful Partnerships
Powerful Partnerships offers a range of programs to suit the needs of your school or business.
With over 34 years experience in both Primary and Secondary Education, Mrs Jodie Davey (M.Ed, B.Ed, B.Teach, MACEL) has been a classroom teacher, specialist, Deputy Principal, Head of Junior School, Director of Teacher Performance and Development and Curriculum Adviser. She has worked locally and internationally and is a certified Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher Assessor.
Her experience, knowledge, passion and engaging presentation style is sure to inspire and invigorate your own teaching and will support you to take your career to the next level. See the workshops available near you or contact her for a whole school focus through pupil free day workshops and in-situ consultancy.
Our work with businesses, small and large includes leadership training and development, coaching and mentoring pathways and developing competence and confidence with challenging conversations. We have supported organisations to develop Value Statements, assisted in organisational reviews and supported business to up skill staff to lead change effectively. Whilst we have core programs on offer, bespoke training to suit your company is also available. Give Jodie a call to discuss your organisational needs.
➤ Director
Jodie Davey
M. Ed, B. Ed, B. Teach, MACEL
0438 118 756
Programs for Schools
early career teacher program
For teachers in the first 2 years of their career. This unique program includes 12 months of support .
For all teachers, whether you are in a leadership position or not, this workshop will support your leadership journey.
coaching and mentoring program
For all teachers and leaders in coaching or mentoring roles or looking to advance their skills in this area.
effective pedagogy
For all teachers wanting to develop their pedagogy with high impact strategies that really work.
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from conflict to collaboration
For all teachers and leaders looking to develop their skills in managing difficult situations.
better teaching better learning
Our newest pedagogy program. We explore the gradual release framework in detail, exploring a range of strategies to implement into you practice.
thrive your way
Your well-being is so important as is your colleagues’. This workshop has been co-authored by Dannielle Charge, a registered psychologist to give you research informed knowledge.
Programs for Businesses
Powerful Partnerships offers a range of Modules for businesses, big and small, looking to build the capacity of their staff. We pride ourselves on the bespoke nature of our work and the flexibility we provide our businesses to select from these modules to suit their specific needs. Our commitment to you is a personalised approach in the development of a program that suits your staff, your company’s needs and your vision for the future. Facilitation can be face to face or online. Some of these bodies of work include:
Leadership training for both aspiring, new and experienced leaders
coaching and mentoring
Leading teams
using feedback to enhance performance
the art of leading a crucial conversation
navigating conflict for successful outcomes
building a collaborative team
managing change
organisational culture
Use the form below to find out how we can help